If you enjoy this Cruel Mac Tricks disk, perhaps you will be interested in my latest book, Totally Rad Mac Programs. This 140-page paperback contains a single 800K disk jam-packed with 23 most excellent programs that are guaranteed to make your Mac the coolest on the block:
Before Dark
Replaces standard desktop patterns with intricate ones up to 128 pixels per side, like the commercial programs Chameleon and Wallpaper.
Bongo Bob
Displays a randomly selected wacky saying every time you restart the Mac.
Replaces the boring desktop pattern with a full-color picture of whatever you like. This is the same commercial version included in Inline Design’s Screen Gems package.
A screen saver that displays animations during periods of inactivity, like the commercial programs After Dark and Pyro.
FKEY Master
A utility for installing function keys (FKEYs) such as The Ripper.
If you wait too long, a bald-headed Kilroy peeks over dialog boxes and his eyes follow the cursor.
Lights, Camera, Action!
Plays animation files during startup, complete with soundtracks if you want.
Makin’ Copies
Says “Makin’ copies!” whenever you duplicate files, disks, or folders, just like the hilarious Saturday Night Live skit.
Replaces the text in the menu bar with icons of your choosing.
Allows you to “throw” outlined objects — such as windows — around the desktop, complete with bouncing sound.
99 Bottles
Sings “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall” at various speeds with any number of bottles of beer.
Converts PICT graphics into StartupScreens for display during startup.
Randomizes the StartupScreen to keep things interesting.
Displays StartupScreens with their custom color palettes so they look as good as possible.
Shrinks screen to a little dot upon Shutdown, just like an old television set being turned off.
Shutdown Fade
Fades screen upon Shutdown instead of just going black in a flash.
Plays sounds corresponding to various events. Comes with a dozen authorized Star Trek sound effects from Sound Source Unlimited’s commercial AudioClips package.
Sound Mover
Moves sounds between files so they can be used by StartupSnd or SndControl.
Impresses your friends by playing the Quadra startup chord — or any other sounds — upon startup.
Replaces the static Apple icon with various animations such as a spinning globe.
Causes the cursor to point in the direction of the mouse movement.
The Ripper
Tears the current window, leaving it fully functional, but with a jagged edge.
Wacky Lights
Makes the LEDs on the keyboard flash in a back-and-forth sequence.
Detailed chapters explain in simple terms how each program works, with tips on customization, compatibility notes, and step-by-step installation instructions. All programs run under System 7 (and all but one work with System 6, too) and are compatible with most Macs from the Plus to the PowerBook to the Performa and the Centris lines.
Totally Rad Mac Programs has recently gone into its second printing, in part thanks to the glowing reviews it has received. Totally Rad Mac Programs was named to the prestigious MacUser 100 round-up “of products guaranteed to be entertaining” (December 1992, page 125). Macworld says Totally Rad Mac Programs is filled with “little-known gems” and represents “a standout in the shareware-book field” (April 1993, page 177). And syndicated UPI columnist Bob Schwabach praises Totally Rad Mac Programs as “a terrific deal…definitely a fun book” (October 25, 1992).
Totally Rad Mac Programs, published by SYBEX (ISBN: 0-7821-1162-9), is available in bookstores now for $19.95. The commercial programs included in the book are worth more than that alone. But as a bonus for buying the Cruel Mac Tricks disk, you can order an autographed copy of Totally Rad Mac Programs direct from the author for only $16!
That’s right, I’ll rush you a copy of my best-selling book for an even $16 (there are no hidden taxes nor postage & handling charges). You pay a measly $16 — that’s a whopping 20% off the list price! Take the money you save, invest it in a mutual fund earning 15% annually, and after 40 years it’ll grow to $1,000! Is that an amazing deal, or what?
For your very own autographed copy of Totally Rad Mac Programs, send your check or money order (no purchase orders or CODs) payable to Owen Ink in the amount of $16 (U.S. funds only). Outside North America, add $2 per order.